Thursday, July 16, 2009

Just pile it on!!

One of the rocks of the foundation of our lab has crumbled. Ningyong has moved. She has been working in our lab for almost 7 years. Her husband just accepted his first faculty position at the University of Southern Alabama so they have moved down to Mobile. Ningyong was a true workhorse. She did everything she was asked to do without complaint and did it well. I am going to miss her. Her departure was a bit sudden so we didn't have time to find a replacement for her before she left and since the hiring process at the UI takes nearly 3 months, I am going to have double the amount of work to do for a while. This means that in addition to the every day administrative stuff I normally have to do and my own research, I now also have two animal colonies to care for (one rat colony and one mouse colony) and three additional projects to work on. At least I have a job! I just hope we can somehow speed up the hiring process and get work back to normal.

1 comment:

Jess and Jen said...

U of I hiring sounds a bit like the federal hiring procedure -- but about 3 months faster. It's incredible how SLOW state and federal governments act.